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List of Addresses

OP-Mainnet Contract Address (Github)

Deployed NetworkNameExplorerGithubText
OP-Mainnet(Legacy)SequencerFeeVault SequencerFeeVault accumulates any transaction priority fee and is the value of block.coinbase. When enough fees accumulate in this account, they can be withdrawn to an immutable L1 address.
To change the L1 address that fees are withdrawn to, the contract must be upgraded by changing its proxy's implementation key.
OP-MainnetBaseFeeVault all L2 Tx revenue is stored
The BaseFeeVault predeploy receives the basefees on L2. The basefee is not burnt on L2 like it is on L1. Once the contract has received a certain amount of fees, the ETH can be withdrawn to an immutable address on L1.
OP-MainnetL1FeeVault L2 Tx Fees are stored to store data to L1
EthereumBatchInbox is where the transaction batches are stored
EthereumL2OutputOracle is where the output state root is stored
EthereumSequencer address of the sequencer that operates OP-Mainnet
EthereumStateRootProposer that stores the output state root
EthereumChallenger is centralized; multisig
EthereumbaseFeeVaultRecipient / l1FeeVaultRecipient / sequencerFeeVaultRecipient